Wednesday, February 2, 2011


There used to be just a few flooring choices to make when buying a new home or updating an existing one, but new technologies and discoveries have given us more, cheaper, and more eco-friendly flooring options. Updating the floors in a home is still one of the biggest bangs for the buck, and with fewer bucks to go around, its nice to know there's more to choose from than just carpet and vinyl.
While there have been some advancements in reducing the environmental and health hazards associated with traditional carpets and PVC flooring, many flooring companies have begun to respond to demands for other, more sustainable, health- and eco-conscious materials. Among those that make the list are hardwoods, ceramic and porcelain tiles, laminates, and new carpet technologies. But there are a few that rise to the top when it comes to the finding the magic combination of environmental sustainability, human health promotion, and affordability. Bamboo, Cork, and Palm woods seem to fit the bill quite well.
Palm wood planks have a smooth, hard surface similar to hardwood flooring, and can be made without the use of formaldehyde. Old, non-coconut-producing trees are purchased from coconut farmers, so harvesting is a low-impact operation. Palm planks are available in a wide variety of color options like the traditional woods.
Bamboo can also be certified to be harvested responsibly, and is a cost-effective, self-sustaining resource. Bamboo is incredibly durable (especially when pressed) and has a smooth, glossy appearance. It can be stained like other woods, too.
Cork is a remarkable flooring resource. Naturally hypo-allergenic and anti-microbial, cork wood is live-harvested (that is, the bark is taken without killing the tree), and because of its structure has a warmth and cushion you wont find in any other natural wood product. It possesses sound-dampening qualities as well, and can be stained to match a homes decor.
Also worth mentioning are the new environmentally sustainable hardwoods, as well as some ingenious, eco-friendly and affordable laminates, and new types of linoleum. In the current economy, it is daunting to imagine finding a floor that suits your home, your wallet, AND your conscience, but with all of these new products to consider, you might just run across something you love.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Wholesale WoodFloor Warehouse Long Beach, Wholesale Woodfloor Warehouse Sacramneto, Wholesale Woodfloor Warehouse San Diego

© Steve Nagy/age fotostock

2. Focus on Flooring!
Good, well maintained flooring can set a positive tone for the entire intirior of your home.
“Like paint, flooring can help creat an impression of spaciousness and airiness,” Nickell says. Weather it’s floating laminate flor, tile, or a natural “green” alternative, lighter tone flooring can make formerly drab areas appear modern and streamlined,”

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Truth about Hard Wood Floors

Hard wood floors are not a new innovation, in fact hard wood floors have been used in homes for hundreds of years. Although today's milling is much more precise, and the installation process has become much easier and faster, wood floors are still just that, WOOD FLOORS! So, please readers don't believe the hype of all these "new" woods, and finishes, remember, wood is just wood, and it's the species of wood that determines how hard it is and how durable it is. For some examples of beautiful hardwood and hand scraped wood floors please foolow this link; as well as

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Friends don't let friends buy Lumber Liquidators!!!

As a former employee of Lumber Liquidators i know first hand the crappy floors they pawn off on customers as odd-lots and bargain items. They advertise these great prices and then when you get there you realize the floors they have on sale are just crap that nobody wants. Not only that , but their bamboo, was constantly failing, i wrote up all kinds of company complaints on the bamboo floors. NOt only that, the vasalia engineerd wood floors they had had almost a 100% failure rate. And, even tho they knew of the problem they didn't take it off the shelves, no, they just marked it as an odd-lot and sold it to unsuspecting customers.
In contrast there is a new flooring team in the industry called Wholesale Woodfloor Warehouse, located in Long Beach and Sacramento, they have all kinds of laminate floors, engineered floors and bamboo flooring options. And, they are not CRAP. These guys are knowledgeable and friendly, and they crush prices, to as affordable as possible. Let WHolesale Woodfloor Warehouse be your flooring distributor, and look for them on facebook and twitter they have all kinds of laminate flooring, hardwood flooring, and engineered wood flooring sales on line.

check out their hand scrapped flooring at :

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Why Go Bamboo?

If you are planning to re-do your floors, or put in floors for the first time, than I'm sure you have been told countless times that a certain floor is environmentally friendly. Well, if you go bamboo you know you're not contributing to the deforestation of the rainforest, and you know you're buying something sustainable. The reason for this is that, that bamboo isn't a wood floor at all, it is actually considered a grass, and thus its rapid growth. With this being said, bamboo can be harvested every four years, and this makes everyone happy. Not only that, its availability makes it much cheaper than any other solid floor. SO if you're thinking green think bamboo.

for good deals on bamboo try Wholesale Woodfloor Warehouse...


This weekend at Wholesale Woodfloor Warehouse there will be an Independence Day SALE.  These guys have an airplane hangar full of inventory that is priced to move.  I mean you just can’t find deals like this. They have engineered flooring starting at .99c. They have laminate flooring starting at .79c, and solid bamboo flooring at $1.89!!! This place has unheard of deals, and ultra low prices. Plus they have most of their inventory IN STOCK, and if it isn’t stocked it usually comes in the next day. So, if you’re in or around the Long Beach, or Sacramento areas do yourself a favor, and go find at deal at Wholesale Woodfloor Warehouse.
Are you going to put flooring down in your new home? Are you in the middle of a remodel? Did you take advantage of government tax breaks and purchase a house to flip? Let us help you to add value to that home. A solid food floor raises the resale value of your home more so than any other type of floor covering.  Not only that, wood floors can last forever! Exotic wood floors can be up to 185% harder than an Oak floor, did you know that? Are you looking for something environmentally friendly? Well, a bamboo floor can be harvested in 4 to 8 years! That means no forest need to cut down, yes that’s renewable flooring, and it’s very inexpensive. Not to mention the fact that it makes for beautiful flooring.  Do you have a concrete slab, and need to utilize a glue down application? Well you can get engineered flooring made with real wood veneer top. This product is amazing; it uses less wood for the flooring, while still providing the natural beauty, and desirability of a true hardwood floor. Is laminate flooring a good choice? Well, more and more people are turning to laminate flooring as lumber prices continue to grow, and focus on the environment becomes more and more relevant. Laminate floors don’t require special logging, and don’t use real wood. Laminate floors can’t be resurfaced, but a good flooring installer can come in and replace the damaged isolated boards. Furthermore, laminate floors can be up to 3 dollars a square foot cheaper than a true solid hardwood floor, or even certain engineered wood floors. This means you can get more bang for your buck. Why else? To be totally honest, laminate floors are great do it yourself projects. Snap together seams and pre attached padding, makes this a super easy application. And finally, the look of laminate floors has improved dramatically over the last 20 years, you can now have a computer generated image of wood, beautifully designed on each board, tricking even the trained eye into believing its looking at a real hardwood floor. Laminate floors = today’s economic